Home of Sidney Kimmel Medical College



Datatel Colleague is the Enterprise Resource Planning system used by Philadelphia University employees to manage administrative information on campus. 

Datatel is available off-campus by connecting through VPN. For directions on how to connect to VPN please click here.

This application is located via web client at the following url: "http://datatelui.philau.edu".


Read through the following documents for key tips on using Datatel Colleague.

- Guide to the User Interface in Datatel Version 4.3

- Keyboard Shortcuts in Datatel

- Look Up Shortcuts for Requisitions

- Colleague for Advisors


Request A Customization to Colleague

Click Here to request a Customization to Colleague


For further assistance, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 215-951-4648 or by Email at HelpDesk@PhilaU.edu

